This is not the original piece my father wrote about Trump being the antichrist; instead, it consists of several articles I found elsewhere on the old site. The articles from 2015 to 2016 are missing for some reason, so I need to search through computers and emails to find them. While this pertains to the 2016 election, it is still relevant in exploring why Trump could possibly be the antichrist. Enjoy!
First Article
on why Trump is the Antichrist
The AntiChrist?
By S.R. Shearer
August 12, 2015
I am writing to you after 18 months of silence because it appears that possibly – just possibly – events have caught up with ALL of us insofar as the "end of the age" is concerned; that the appearance of the "Man-of-Sin" is near, even at our door. And do not think – even for a moment – that the Rapture will insulate you (us) from his soon appearing.
The Bible says:
"Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day [meaning the day of the rapture] shall not come, except there come FIRST a falling away [GK. Apostasia - meaning to "fall away" – specifically, Christians "falling away" from the essentials of their faith], and that MAN OF SIN be revealed, the son of perdition …" (2 Thess. 2:3)
In other words, the appearing of the "Man of Sin" will precede the Rapture; moreover, the Bible says that those who say otherwise are practicing deception and are deceiving their fellow Christians. The apostle Paul writes:
"For such are false apostles, DECEITFUL workers, transforming themselves into apostles of Christ."
(II Cor. 11:13-15)
The very real fact of the matter is, I have come to believe since I last contacted you in April of 2014 that there exists a growing body of evidence that suggests he (antiChrist) has already appeared in our world, and is presently "taking center stage" in it; what's more, he is a person that I have very little doubt many Christians admire – confirming, sadly, their fallen state.
Specifically, I speak of DONALD TRUMP, a man who – at least politically speaking – has come out of nowhere and has shaken - one might even say, "traumatized" - the political scene in the United States as no other person in modern history. I am almost 75 years old now, and I have never in my past experience seen anyone like him, and I speak here as one holding post graduate U.S. / German history degrees from the University of California.
While subjectively (intuitively) it may seem hard to believe that the "end of days" might now be unfolding before our very eyes and that prophecy is taking on an immediacy that it has not possessed for more than two millennia - that may be EXACTLY what is happening.
It's still 16 months until the election, and a lot could happen to derail Trump's attempt to become president; but if he does become president, God help us all: the fact is, the events of recent months, especially as they relate to the way in which he has been able to surmount all the "PC" challenges that have recently confronted him - challenges that would have ended the political career of any other person (e.g., his ugly racial comments about Mexicans, his repulsive criticism of Senator McCain, and his tactless remark on Megan Kelly's menstruation cycle on CNN), seem to suggest that he possesses the kind of raw toughness that elevates him to the level of a Hitler-like figure; the kind of coarse toughness that Leni Riefenstahl saw in Hitler in her 1935 biography of him, Triumph des Willens, "Triumph of the Will."
To be sure, the signs that have led me to this notion concerning Trump, a notion that is still somewhat tentative in my mind, are shrouded in haze - a twilight of shadows that very well may be leading me down a bogus path. Still, I feel constrained to inform you of my thoughts concerning this matter, and at the same time to ask you to bear in mind that NEVER before in the history of this ministry have I ever put a name to this malevolent and wicked personage, a man whom the Scriptures refer to as:
The "KING OF BABYLON" (Isa. 14:2) - which we understand to be the United States; when this appellation is coupled to the fact that Trump is vying for that specific office (i.e., "King of Babylon") it lends an astounding authenticity to the anxiety I possess concerning him.
The "MAN OF SIN" (2 Thess. 2:3).
The "ANTICHRIST" (1 John 2:22).
In addition, he is known in Scripture as -
"The Bloody and Deceitful Man" (Ps. 5:6),
"The Wicked One" (Ps. 10:2-4),
"The Adversary" (Ps. 74:8-10),
"The Violent One" (Ps. 140:1),
"The Spoiler" (Isa. 16:4; Jer. 4:26),
"The Nail" (Isa. 22:25),
"The Profane and Wicked Prince" (Ezek. 21:25-27),
"The Vile Person" (Dan. 11:21) --
-- titles and appellations that many who have been involved in his business affairs over the years say are extraordinarily descriptive of him. These are titles and appellations (descriptions) that should strike revulsion and horror in any right-thinking person - especially as they relate to his appearance on the world stage.
There are a number of specific portions of the Bible that have illuminated the path that has led me step by step to this very startling notion; one such Scripture is Jeremiah 30:1-7, a portion of Scripture that makes it abundantly clear that we are living in that precise time frame the Bible says this malignant personage will appear; specifically, THE TIME OF JACOB'S TROUBLE ..." (Jeremiah 30:1-7) [In other words, his appearing is right on time.]
Biblically speaking, the "TIME OF JACOB'S TROUBLE" is a time during the "latter years" when a reconstituted Israel will find herself desperate and standing alone against the HATRED and LOATHING of the world. The ASV translation of Jeremiah 30:7 describes this period as –
"... great [meaning terrible], so that none is like it."
The re-establishment of Israel in May of 1948 was greeted enthusiastically by most of the nations and peoples of the world. Indeed, 72% of the inhabitants of the world greeted the re-establishment of Israel favorably – WITH MUCH OF THAT FAVORABLE FEELING BEING GENERATED OUT OF THE VERY REAL SHAME THE WORLD FELT IN CONNECTION WITH ITS FAILURE TO ACT AS HITLER KILLED THE JEWS OFF DURING THE HOLOCAUST.
But most of that shame has long ago evaporated, and - like a nightmare that won't go away, like a cancer that goes into remission, feigning a cure, only to reappear again in some other part of the body and in a more virulent form - anti-Semitism is once again raging against the Jewish people and the state of Israel. And this is so much the case that The New York Times reports that,
Does this fact not fit perfectly into the situation Israel finds itself today?
Moreover, the Bible says that antiChrist will appear as a Restitutor Orbis during a period of time when the inhabitants of "Babylon the Great" (meaning the United States) will be suffering from a malaise of self-doubt and confusion – and isn't it true that self-doubt and confusion are rampant in America today? Again, a perfect fit insofar as the prophetic Scriptures are concerned; and so exact is this "fit" that its existence cannot help but pave the way for the entrance of antiChrist into our world.
Concerning this tragic state of affairs, William Greider, former assistant managing editor of The Washington Post, has written:
"The decayed condition of American democracy is difficult to grasp ... Symptoms of distress are accumulating freely in the political system and citizens are demoralized ... A climate of stagnant doubt has enveloped contemporary politics, a generalized disappointment that is too diffuse and intangible to be easily confronted ... This dissonance ... is so discomforting that many naturally turn away from its implications ... In place of meaningful democracy, the political community has embraced a ... culture of false appearances ... [It] responds to the public's desires with an artful dance of symbolic [and vacant] gestures - hollow laws that are emptied of serious content in the private bargaining of Washington. Promises are made and never kept. Laws are enacted and never enforced. When ordinary people organize themselves to confront the deception, they find themselves too marginalized to make much difference."
There is, as a result, an almost palpable yearning within today's electorate – especially among Christians - to be rescued from all this; a desire for some kind of King Arthur-like figure to step forward and put an end to it.
Trump appears to answer in an almost perfect way this longing on the part of today's American electorate - and in doing so he answers to other imagery of the antiChrist as portrayed in the Scripture:
AntiChrist is described as a powerful speaker. (Dan. 7:8, 20; 8:23) Certainly Trump is that! – His is ability to speak extemporaneously and without teleprompters and/or notes is legendary. Moreover, his capability (and wicked willingness) to CRUSH with his rhetoric those who speak out against him is famous - to which Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham can attest, to say nothing of Eric Erickson, Megan Kelley, etc.; indeed, one might even say he is more than just famous regarding this ability, he is infamous.
AntiChrist will champion the use of military power (Dan. 11:38). According to Trump, military force "trumps" (as it were) all other instruments of power. He believes that peace can only be achieved by threatening war, lending credence to the description of him as the "Violent One" (Ps. 140:1) and as "the Nail." (Isa. 22:25), to say nothing of his horrid description in Ps. 5:6 as the "Bloody One."
AntiChrist will promote himself as Israel's champion. (Dan. 9:27) Paralleling this prophecy, Trump opposes all those Islamic nations that now threaten Israel with annihilation – threatening them with nuclear obliteration. [Ezek. 38:1 - 39:25; (cf. Ezek. 38:15; 39:2) Dan. 11:40; Joel 2:1-27 (cf. Joel 2:20) Isa. 10:12; 30:31-33; 31:8-9]. To this end, Trump has announced his willingness to sign a defense pact with the Jewish state – the same kind of defense pact that the Scriptures say antiChrist will make with the Jewish state; a treaty that the Scriptures refer to as a "Treaty with Death and Hell."
AntiChrist will deceive God's people (i.e., Christians) by posing as their champion (apparently by appearing to promote their religious desires and political programs) in the same fashion that he deceives Israel (Rev. 17:3; please also see Matt. 24:24), lending credence to his description as a "deceiver" in Ps. 5:6.
AntiChrist will oppose the "desire of women:"
"... he [antiChrist] shall NOT regard the desire of women ..." (Daniel 11:38) --
-- especially as that desire impacts the aspiration of feminists to enter the "world of men." This attitude manifests itself starkly in Trump's attitude toward women in the military. He believes that the "politically correct" attitude of today which suggests that women can acquit themselves physically as well as men in combat situations has the potential to destroy the military. Indeed, his attitude toward women as expressed in his "un-pc" comments regarding Megan Kelley's menstrual cycle borders on being misogynistic.
SIXTEEN MONTHS! – that's not a very long time. Nevertheless, I cannot help but believe that even among those dear brothers and sisters who seem to genuinely grasp what's happening insofar as the unfolding events of the "end of the age" are concerned, there exists an unwillingness to take meaningful action with regard to what's occurring. There seems to be no way to get through to people; to convince them that NOW is the time for action; not tomorrow, nor the next day, nor the day after that. Christians today seem to be helpless prisoners of the "here and now."
Yes, they're planning to take action someday - but not today. There are more pressing "responsibilities" to be taken care of now: there are payments to be made on visa and mastercards, mortgages to be met, businesses to run; there are "responsibilities" to children and aged parents - and on and on and on; and in taking care of all these things Christians forget the admonition of the Scriptures concerning "Last Things:" that we who "know His will" concerning the "end of the age" are to "prepare ourselves for it." As I said in the NEW ANTIPAS PAPERS:
"Prophecy is nothing more than a road sign telling us of the danger that's ahead and warning us to take corrective action BEFORE we get to the danger. If we do nothing until we finally get there, it will be too late. Thus, if the only reaction the NEW ANTIPAS PAPERS can elicit from someone who has read the book is 'Wow! - what a wonderful book' - then we have utterly failed in what we set out to do, and that person has missed the point of the book altogether. KNOWLEDGE WHICH DOES NOT PRODUCE ACTION IS WORTHLESS."
Still, God's people procrastinate. Take action? - Yes, someday; but not now: that's the all too common answer we get - if not in word, than in deed; and in their failure to act, what these Christians are doing is evincing a kind of thinking toward themselves which suggests, sadly, that they are nothing more than a leaf in a river that is flowing down to the sea; a helpless captive of the stream's relentless current; an object which has no will of its own, and which cannot act in its own right, but can only be acted upon.
Though they probably would never admit it, what they have done is to surrender themselves to a kind of pseudo-spirituality that makes "fatalism" a virtue and "choice" a sin; hence to do nothing is "spiritual" (many naïve Christians claim that this is "trusting the Lord"), and "to act" betrays a "rashness" that is not only carnal, but "ungodly" and "untrusting."
This, however, is pure nonsense! Fatalism is nothing more than AN EXCUSE FOR INACTION, a pathetic reason for Christians to avoid uncomfortable choices and to put off hard decisions that might inconveniently impact the way they live and cause their friends and loved ones to disassociate themselves from them.Please, please - don't you surrender yourself to this fatalism. AGAIN, SIXTEEN MONTHS IS NOT A LONG TIME.
God bless you!
S.R. Shearer
Second Article
Denial that Trump is the Antichrist
I continue to receive numerous letters from our
readers all over the world questioning my decision to publically bear WITNESS to what my conscience and the Scriptures are
plainly telling me: that Trumpis the antiChrist prophesied
in the Scripture - the "MAN OF SIN" whose "COMING" will
set the world on fire; that he is in fact what the Scriptures say he is -
Bloody and Deceitful Man" (Ps. 5:6)
Wicked One" (Ps. 10:2-4),
Enemy" (Ps 10:18),
Adversary" (Ps. 74:8-10),
Violent One" (Ps. 140:1),
Spoiler" (Isa. 16:4; Jer. 4:26),
Nail" (Isa. 22:25),
Profane Wicked Prince" (Ezek. 21:25-27),
Vile Person" (Dan. 11:21),
King of Fierce Countenance" (Dan. 8:23),
Desolator" (Dan 9:27).
And, finally,
(Isa. 14:2) which is exactly what Trump is
now bending every effort to achieve.
In the light of these Scriptures, I implore you (if
only for your sake) to answer OBJECTIVELY the following questions, and then attempt to say otherwise – ie., that Trump is not the antiChrist:
we living in the "end of the age," the time when the Scripture says that
antiChrist will appear; the "TIME
OF JACOB'S TROUBLE" when the Scripture says that Israel will stand ALONE against the hatred of the
world? – YES!
the Middle East fast transforming itself to mirror the
exact conditions that will "bring on" the Gog / Magog War? – YES!
[Please see Chapter XV of the New
Antipas Papers, "THE GOG / MAGOG WAR."]
Does Trump see himself as the great enemy of
Islam? – YES!
[Again, please see Chapter XV of the New
Antipas Papers, "THE GOG / MAGOG WAR."]
Is Trump striving with all of his might to
[Please see Chapter XI of the New
Is Trump striving to present himself as the
champion of Christian civilization? – YES!
[Rev. 17:3; please also
see Matt. 24:24]
Is Trump striving to present himself as the
champion of Israel? – YES!
[Dan. 9:27]
his effort to transform the U.S. to a "Leave it to Beaver"-kind of country
- a kind of country that would "put women in their place" - is he
creating a situation that would "deny the (so-called) desire of women" to
enter the "world of men?" – YES!
[Rev. 17:3; please also see Matt. 24:24]
not Trump's enemies consider him a "Man of
Fierce Countenance?" – YES!
[Dan. 8:23]
Is Trump a "great orator," a man of great
persuasiveness?" – YES!
[Dan. 7:8, 20; 8:23]
German Christians WANTED to believe in Hitler just as American Christians WANT to believe in TRUMP. As a result, American Christians have opened themselves up to the same kind of DECEPTION that has forever destroyed the testimony of the German church.
Did Trump say he would be a great military
leader; a man who would make the American military the strongest, most
feared military in the world? – YES?
[Dan. 11:38]
Does Trump answer the longing of the American
people for a strong leader, a Restitutor Orbis? – YES!
[Please see Chapter XI of
the New Antipas Papers, "ANTICHRIST: KING OF BABYLON."]
Is Trump a DECEIVER? – a man who says one thing at one time (for
instance, a man who says he supports abortion) and then says the exact
opposite a few years later? A man who says he is a Christian, but who is
not in need of Christ's forgiveness? – YES!
[Ps. 5:6]
Is Trump in love with money, and does he
promise to make America (and Americans) rich? – YES!
Cursed be above all others
Who's enslaved by love of money.
Money takes the place of brothers.
Money takes the place of parents.
Money brings us war and slaughter
Christians who have long ago been compromised by the love of money.
[Bear in mind what the Scripture says about
those who want to be rich: "But
they that will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish
and hurtful lusts, which drown men in destruction and perdition. For the love of money is the
root of all evil..." (I Timothy 6:9-10). What's that say about Trump?]
Are all these descriptors not enough to convince
one that Trump is indeed the "MAN OF SIN?"
ONE WOULD THINK THAT THEY ARE MORE THAN ENOUGH!! In a court of law - in a criminal prosecution – it certainly
would be.
Why is it, then ----- IF it is so obvious, at least from a Scriptural
standpoint, that Donald Trump is the MAN OF SIN --–- that
the leadership of today's church (and, indeed, much of the church's "rank and
file") seem inclined to dismiss all this evidence?
The answer is that it does not fit the warped
"end-time" scenario the leadership of today's church is attempting to "palm
off" on the church; a scenario that pictures the antiChrist coming out of
Europe, and portrays the U.S. in a state of prophetic limbo, sitting the "game"
out on the sidelines while a re-united Europe magically steps to the forefront
in world affairs despite the fact that it possesses neither the military muscle
nor the economic power to do so. It's ridiculous.
To believe that Europe can catch up militarily with the United States is just plain stupid – and reveals how ignorant American Christians are regarding the REAL world.
Christians who recognize who Trump is, but are too fearful to speak out.
Nonetheless, that is pretty much the scenario
the leadership of today's church is trying to foist off on its constituency –
a constituency that for the most part appears more than willing to accept the
lies that are being inflicted upon it --–AND WE SPEAK HERE NOT SO
AS Jack Hayford, Charles Stanley, the late D. James Kennedy,
Tim LaHaye, the late John Wimber, Juan
Carlos Ortiz, C. Peter Wagner, Beverley LaHaye, Ern Baxter, Kenneth Copeland,
Kenneth Hagin, Oral Roberts, Pat Robertson, Jerry Falwell, Chuck Colson, David Yonggi Cho, Robert Stearns, Mike Bickle, Reuven
Doron, Che Ahn, Frank Hammond, Cindy Jacobs, Bill Hamon, John Eckhardt, Bobbie
Byerly, Dutch Sheets, Jim Goll, John Paul Jackson, James Ryle, Frank Damazio,
Ed Silvoso, Carlos Annacondia, Claudio Freidzon, Roger Mitchell, Ted Haggart,
Paul Cain, Chuck Pierce, Rick Joyner, Kingsley Fletcher, Jim Laffoon, Barbara
Wentroble, ad infinitum----BUT LEADERS WHO RECOGNIZE WHAT Trump IS DOING,
BUT WHO ARE TOO TIMID OR AFRAID TO SAY ANYTHING. [Please see Chapter XIV of the New Antipas Papers, "The Great Falling
And there is something more to be remarked upon here insofar
as the attitude of most Christians toward those fellow-Christians who would dare
to WITNESS to the fact that Trump has nothing to do with God: Jesus said that THEY WILL BE RUTHLESSLY ATTACKED BY
spoke directly to this fact when He warned His disciples that they (ie., "they" meaning so-called
"fellow-believers") will -
"... SCOURGEyou in their synagogues [churches] ... [and some they will put to death]." (Matthew
"They will deliver you up to [Christian] councils [boards of elders]. And they will scourge you in their synagogues [churches] ... and some they will put to death ..." (Matthew 10:17)
Victoria J.
Barnett, director of the Holocaust Museum's Programs on Ethics and
Religion, writes:
"Throughout the Nazi era, ardent debates took place within the German
Churches about ... [the evil that the Hitler regime was foisting on the church] – ie., when to speak out and when to remain silent ..."
"For the most part German Christians chose to remain silent – a failure of the heart; a failure of their Christian conscience"
For the most part
they chose to remain silent – a failure of the heart; a failure of will; a
failure of their Christian conscience!
She continues:
"At the heart of those failures was the fact that the churches ... sought to act,
as institutions tend to do, in their own SELF-INTERESTrather then in the interest of the truth
they had been called upon by God to guard."
"There was little desire on the part of the Churches for
self-sacrifice or heroism, and much emphasis on "pragmatic" and
"strategic" measures that would supposedly protect these institutions'
autonomy in the Third Reich. Public institutional circumspection carried to the
point of near numbness; an acute lack of insight: these are the aspects of the churches'
behavior during the Nazi era that are so damning in retrospect.
"The minutes of German Protestant synodal meetings in 1942 reveal how numb the participants were to what was happening
... around them. While innocent victims throughout Germany were being brutally
murdered, Christian leaders were debating what points of doctrine and policy
were tenable ...
"... Even the wisest and most perceptive of these Christians, it
seems, failed to develop adequate moral and political responses to Nazi
SOMETHING NEW WAS DEMANDED OF THEM by the barbarism of Hitler's regime.
"Moreover, it has become abundantly clear that their failure to
respond to the horrid events in Europe in the Thirties and Forties was not
due to ignorance; THEY KNEW WHAT WAS
At the heart of the failure of today's church to take a stand against the pretensions of Donald Trump is the fact that their own SELF-interest as institutions demand that they remain silent; but by remaining silent and preserving themselves as institutions they are being forced to sacrifice the "treasure" (as it were) that gave them significance in the first place: the TRUTH that the church was created (so to speak) to protect.
Add to this the fact that Christians in America possess little desire for SELF-sacrifice. The truth is, "SELF" is at the heart of today's Christianity; to sacrifice "SELF" in this environment is akin to betraying the messages on "SELF" that preachers such as Joel Osteen have been thrusting on the church. For example, in an interview with Pierce Morgan concerning the wealth he and his wife had amassed over the years, Osteen remarked, "I don't ever feel guilty because it comes from [God] – it's God's blessing on my life."
To such so-called Christians, the truth contained in verses such as
Romans 8:35-39 have no bearing on the "here and now;" indeed, they act as if
such verses have been erased from the Bible or – at the very least - explained
away by the leaders of today's apostate church.
for those Christians who are willing to speak the truth, they can take comfort
from Romans 8:35-39 and the many, many other verses like it:
"... who shall separate us from the
love of Christ? shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or
nakedness, or peril, or sword?
"As it is written, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are
accounted as sheep for the slaughter.
"Nay, in all these things we are
more than conquerors through him that loved us.
"For I am persuaded, that neither
death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things
present, nor things to come,
"Nor height, nor depth, nor any
other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in
Christ Jesus our Lord." (Romans 8:35-39)
It is in the light of verses such as those listed above that
we urge you to begin speaking out publically against Trump.
God bless you all!
S.R. Shearer
Third Article
the support of the Church
In late September (2015) many of the most prominent leaders
of the church including Kenneth and Gloria Copeland, Paula White, David
Jeremiah, Jan Crouch, Darrell Scott and Lance Wallnau met in New York
to "lay hands" on Donald Trump and
charged him to "win the nation back for Christ." Interestingly, Jews such as
Rabbi Kirt Schneider were present at the church's meeting with Trump.
The presence of Jews at this convocation was meant to symbolize the unity of
both Jews and Christians in awakening America to its destiny. Wallnau declared:
"God has given this man an anointing
for the mantle of government in the United States."
The presence of Lance Wallnau at the
"Laying on of Hands" ceremony in New York is particularly instructive as to
the thinking of these church leaders with regard to Trump. Wallnau is a very close
associate of Rick Joyner and MorningStar Ministry. MorningStar is a leading
advocate of the Seven Mountains dominionist theology that envisions a takeover of the world by a form of militant Christianity in order to enable Jesus Christ's return to earth.
The movement endorses a religious / political
concept known as the "Seven Mountains of Culture." These seven mountains
are (1) arts and entertainment, (2) business, (3) education, (4) the family, (5)
government, (6) media and (7) religion. Christians are charged with taking
control of these "seven mountains of culture," and by doing so to take control
of America. Christians who subscribe to this theology are known as
who travelled to New York to "lay hands" on DONALD
TRUMP are all dominionists; they see in the growing
enthusiasm by increasing numbers of Americans for Trump the sign of an
awakening church – a church rising up to take dominion over the country in the midst of a culture
that seems to be growing darker by the day. Jennifer LeClaire, the senior editor
of Charisma Magazine(probably the most important
publication in today's church) and co-founder of the New Breed
Revival Network, believes Trump is
the man chosen by God to awaken America to its destiny.
"At a
time when many are cursing America, a new breed of prophetic people is
declaring and decreeing the greatest-ever great awakening. It's an awakening that will spill over America's
borders and touch the nations of the earth with great signs, wonders and
miracles that demonstrate Jesus is alive. These prophets are equipping a
generation of prophetic people who see, hear and say what the Lord is doing in
their cities and regions—and have the persistence to contend to the end."
Bill Hamon, an early-on dominionist and founder of
Christian International Ministries, sees in the mounting fervor for TRUMPa sure - sign that the church is -
"... getting ready for a great move of God."
Hamon calls
this move -
"... a great,
great move of God" above and beyond anything we've ever known or seen that
will fill the earth as the waters cover the seas and will prepare every nation
for Christ's return."
Hamon believes
that America has not yet fulfilled all of its purpose, and as Americans cry out
in prayer, God will respond by bringing revival to the nation and by making America great again – which, interestingly,
is what Trump has made his campaign
"MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN" is the official slogan for the Trump campaign. It is also the watchword for the church as it seeks to establish its dominion over the world.
Ryan LeStrange,
a senior leader of the New Breed Revival Network, a prominent group of Christian
dominionists; John Eckhardt, author of Prophet Arise and
apostle and overseer of Crusaders Church in Chicago; Shawn Bolz, senior pastor
at Expression 58 in Los Angeles, Chuck Pierce, founder of Glory of Zion
International Ministries, and Darrel deVille, co-founder of Shekinah Today
Ministries all echo Hamon and are in agreement thatTRUMPhas been chosen by God to
bring revival to America. Hubie Synn, author of The Tales of a Wandering Prophet,
says that –
Many will say to me on that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? And in thy name have cast out demons? and in they name done many wonderful works?
And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.
"Discerning Christians
know that a great awakening is the only answer for our nation. I see prophetic
believers (ie., those Christians who
support Trump for president) rising as part of the great end-time army to
prepare the way of the Lord."
Sadly, however, those who
speak of a great revival regarding America at the end of the age are nothing
more than liars and soothsayers who have derived their prophecies not from the
Bible, but in the feverish imaginations of their own brains. These are those
about whom the Bible says:
"Now the Spirit speaketh
expressly, that in the latter times some shall depart from the faith [meaning
the Bible], giving heed to seducing spirits and the doctrines of demons;
Speaking lies in
hypocrisy, having their conscience seared with a hot iron). (1 Tim 4:1-2) [The word hypocrisy
here means to present a lie as the truth.]
The peril to the church
at the close of the age, then, is from people who present a lie as the truth;
from hypocrites who claim to be one thing, but who in reality are something
else altogether; people who pass themselves off as Christians, but who are,
nonetheless, unalterably opposed to God - much as Judas was.
The peril from such men concerns every true Christian in the
"Latter Days." The prophecy declares that -
Christians shall fall away from the faith;
reason for their fall will be that they have given heed to a deception - a
teaching that outwardly appears to lead to God and to bring about
"good," but which in reality leads to disgrace and dishonor.
These hypocrites are believed because outwardly they appear
to be "good," to be "spiritual." The so-called "good
life" or "spiritual life" of these hypocrites is taken as a
sufficient guarantee for their teaching.
But goodness is no guarantor of the truth: all
teaching must be judged against the Written Word. Nothing else will suffice. To
think that goodness and "good intentions" are adequate warrants for
the truth is to take the first step down the road to deception. Such thinking
has its foundation in the prevalent idea that everything that Satan does is
manifestly evil, the truth not being realized that he works under cover of
light. (2 Cor. 11:14)
We repeat, there is only one principle for testing the
source of all doctrine - and that is not "good intentions," but the
Written Word, the Bible.
Fourth Article
(1 Timothy 6:10)
"And he made a whip and drove the money changers out of the temple..." (cf. John 2:14-16)
Christians have sold themselves out to the rich – to people like Donald TRUMP.
To "old-line" evangelical Christians it would
seem biblically evident that no rich man such as Donald TRUMP could ever have any useful function in bringing
revival to the church; they would have had no trouble in agreeing with James the
apostle when he warned Christians to beware of the rich, "Do
not rich men oppress you?" he asked rhetorically. Are they not the ones who "... draw you before the judgment seats(ie., the debt collectors)?" Are they not the ones who "... condemn and kill the just...?"(James 2:6; 5:4-6).
Sadly, however, that's no longer the case. The leaders of today's
church have sold themselves out to the rich: they have made "common cause" with
them; and what a shameful and odious alliance this is.
Money has become the opiate of American Christians – a drug that seems to deaden even the most sincere Christian's sense of "right and wrong."
Money is a powerful opiate; a narcotic that
unfailingly seems to deaden even the sincerest person's sense of right and
wrong - and, unfortunately, Christians are no exception to this rule. This is
precisely what has happened with the leadership of today's evangelical
church; their sense of the plain teaching of the Scriptures regarding money
has been deadened by their alliance with the rich - people who care little or
nothing for the essentials of the Christian faith and who are governed solely
by their lust for money, and their need to control the church and "keep it
in bounds."
One sees the result of this loathsome bargain
everywhere throughout the church - the fawning adulation of the Hunt Brothers
at First Baptist Church in Dallas, Texas; the sniveling veneration of the
Rockefellers by Cam Townsend, founder of Wycliffe Bible Translators; the
cringing deference exhibited by WYAM towards its bevy of rich contributors -
the list is endless. And it's not just at these lofty levels that this
disgusting exhibition can be seen, it occurs every week in countless churches
throughout the country by pastors who have been reduced to whimpering
supplicants at the feet of their rich parishioners. The shame! the disgrace!
the dishonor of it all. [Please see our article, "The American Empire: The
Corporate / Pentagon / CIA / Missionary Archipelago."]
The Word of God speaks of
money as "the mammon of
unrighteousness" (Luke 16:9) - something which invariably leads away
from God. And it goes onto say,
"... the love of money is the root of ALLevil ..." (1 Tim. 6:10)
What's that say about Donald Trump, whose ardent love for money is well-known?
Jesus said: "Do not store up treasure on earth where moth and vermin destroy and where thieves break in and steal; but store up for yourselves treasure in heaven where moth and vermin do not destroy and where thieves do not steal. FOR WHERE YOUR TREASURE IS, THERE WILL YOUR HEART BE ALSO." (Matthew 6:19-21)
And in accordance with this saying, Jesus told the rich man who wanted to serve Him:
"Go sell ALL that you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven, and come follow me." Matthew 19:21)
Jesus saw money as standing
in opposition to the Kingdom of God; to rely on it was antithetical to that
kingdom, and He refused to allow His disciples to depend on it:
The fact of TRUMP'S love for money rips away his mask as a believer in the Lord Jesus Christ.
"Go your ways: behold,
I send you forth as lambs among wolves.
"Carry neither purse, nor scrip (i.e.,
money), nor shoes: and salute no man by the way." (Luke 10:3-4)
To Jesus, money was a
corrupting influence which defiled those who touched it, which contaminated
those who depended on it, which perverted those who relied on it, and which
polluted those who based their calculations and manner of living on it.
It's for this reason that the Bible says:
"No man can serve two masters: for either he will
hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise
the other. Ye cannot
serve (both) God and mammon (ie.,
money)." [Mat. 6:19-24]
"Ye cannot
serve (both) God
and mammon (ie.,
And if any doubt remains as
to Christ's regard for the rich (ie.,
the TRUMP'S of this world), Jesus said:
A rich man trying to enter the Kingdom of God.
MAN [ie., a
man like TRUMP] TO ENTER
The Bible warns us that -
SNARE, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts, WHICH DROWN MEN IN DESTRUCTION AND PERDITION."
(I Tim. 6:9)
Nonetheless, it appears that evangelical
Christians are choosing as their standard bearer in the election of 2016 a man
who not only possesses vast wealth, but
brags about it. [Please see our article, "Capitalism and Christianity."]
The rich: drowning in destruction and perdition. [Christian theology defines perdition as a state of eternal punishment and damnation.]
And be clear here, Christians are flocking to Trump because they see in him more than just another
Republican candidate like Mitt Romney, John McCain or Bob Dole, but someone who
will lead the nation back to "Christ and the church." TRUMP – A rich man who boasts openly about his love
of money (ie., mammon) leading the
nation back to God? Hardly!!! – or do you doubt Jesus when he said, "You cannot
serve both God and money. (Mat. 6:19-24) [Please
our article, "The Rich Have Seized Control of the Church."]
And it's not just the Bible that warns us about
the character of those who possess great wealth. Honoré de Balzac wrote:
"Behind every great fortune is a great crime."
Then there is Professor C.
Wright Mills of Columbia University who writes concerning people like TRUMP:
pursuit of the moneyed-life is ... (the rich's) commanding value, in relation
to which the influence of other values has declined, so ... (that they have)
easily become morally ruthless in its pursuit ..."
have) narrowed the meaning of 'success' to big
money and in these terms
condemn failure as the chief vice, raising
money to the plane of absolute value."
The utter blindness of
Christians insofar as the danger of wealth and – ipso facto - the TRUMP phenomenon is concerned is breath-taking; the fact that TRUMP exults in his wealth; the fact that he
luxuriates in it; the fact that the pursuit of wealth has defined him as a
person goes right past them. [Please see our article,
"The Elites, Money and the
End of Days."]
Christians are blind to verses like John 5:19:
"Ye adulterers and
adulteresses [ie., to those to whom
they are supposedly betrothed], know ye not that the friendship of the world is
enmity with God? whosoever
therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God."
(John 5:19)
Secularists like Jonathon
Merritt are astonished at the blindness of Christians to their own Scriptures,
and to the TRUMP phenomenon which stands in juxtaposition to
them; he writes in the Atlantic Magazine:
"Donald TRUMP is immodest, arrogant,
foul-mouthed, money-obsessed, thrice-married, and until recently, pro-choice.
By conventional standards, evangelical Christians should despise him. Yet
somehow, the Manhattan billionaire has attracted their support.
to the most recent polls, TRUMP is one of the top picks for president among
evangelical Christians. One Washington
Postpoll even had him as the group's favorite by a
margin of six points. His first major rally in the Bible-Belt fortress town of
Mobile, Alabama, drew an estimated 18,000 attendees. And on September 28,
prominent televangelist Paula White will reportedly lead
a delegation of evangelical leaders to meet with the mogul in Trump Tower.
"'Why do
they love me'? TRUMP replied when asked about the trend. 'You'll have to ask
them. But they do. They do love me'."
Christians have been bamboozled by TRUMP - and because of their support, in less than a
year now, he will be the "KING OF
BABYLON" and the "end of the age" will begin with the Christian
community in tow. God help us all for allowing this to occur!! [Please see
Chapter XI of the New Antipas Papers, "AntiChrist:
King of Babylon."]
A warning from S.R. Shearer
Dear brothers
and sisters, LEARN FROM THE PAST!!
Otherwise, I
solemnly warn you who may find yourselves agreeing at even the most minimal
level with Trump's proposed effort to deport all 11 million illegal Mexicans
from the country, you will find yourselves responsible for unloosing a process
of HATE that
will invariably be turned on all the "OTHERS"
in America – i.e., all those who do
not fit into the Euro-centric "Christian" (so-called) culture that Trump and
his minions say they want to promote.
And as for those
of you who see what's coming and refuse to do anything MEANINGFUL about it, I would remind you of the words of
German Pastor Niemöller who said:
"First they came for the Socialists, and I
did not speak out—Because I was not a Socialist.
"Then they came for the Trade Unionists,
and I did not speak out— Because I was not a Trade
"Then they came for the Jews, and I did
not speak out— Because I was not a Jew.
"Then they came for me—and there was no
one left to speak for me."